The Unpredictable Money Making Life of Finding Things and Flipping them on the Internet

The Unpredictable Money Making Life of Finding Things and Flipping them on the Internet

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

Lets talk about cake toppers shall we? Although these flips are small, I think they are great items to look out for.  Cake decorating is very popular nowadays, and these two items had quite a few watchers and views.

First are these cute vintage snowmen. Christmas time is right around the corner y'all. Just about a season away!

Notice they say picks. I think they would be great cake toppers or cupcake toppers, and attract more people, so that is what I listed them as.

I bought a sewing box full of cake decorating tips and supplies at a church yard sale for $8. I am keeping all 18 tips for myself because thanks to my mother-in-law, am slowly but surely learning how to decorate cakes old school style (no fondant).  I sold the sewing box for $14.99, and the snowmen sold for $11.99. Not a bad turnaround, right?

I found this for $1.50 still in the box!!

Wilton baby!!! They sit on the throne of cake decorating in my book! This is such a beautiful piece by them. Too bad I didn't find this earlier, because this would of been so cute at my baby shower! Oh well, let another expecting mother enjoy this cute little cake topper. It sold for $15.50. Pretty swell I must say.

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