The Unpredictable Money Making Life of Finding Things and Flipping them on the Internet

The Unpredictable Money Making Life of Finding Things and Flipping them on the Internet

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is This Thing On?


*tapping microphone*

Is anyone out there?

Hello World!!

Welcome to my little morsel of space in this vast realm known as the World Wide Web.

I'm a new stay at home mom, and our family is in need of some extra cash flow. In order to cure this need, and also my addiction to yard sales and thrift stores,  I have become a "Thing Flipper".  I buy things cheap, clean them up if need be, and sale them for a profit. Sound like fun to you? Well then, you've come to the right place!!

Please join me on my new adventure, as I keep you posted on my weekly shopping finds, profits and losses, and maybe a good southern recipe thrown in every once in awhile! If I'm not making deals, I'm in the kitchen making meals!

Stay Tuned!!!


  1. Hi, it's me again....LOL
    I look forward to following your thrifting and flippin adventures.
    I am just now getting back into ebay after a three year absence. Had a great job as a news reporter and feature writer for our local papers but a big buy out changed all that.
    So, anyway my sister and I plan to start cleaning out her closets and we are gonna get back into ebay to help ease the pain of being jobless for the time being.
    I hope you sell tons and make amazing profits....

  2. Do you have an ebay store or are you just doing auctions? Looking forward to reading your posts

  3. Good luck Thrifted sis! Thanks for checking me out!
    I look forward to reading your blog as well!! Becky, right now auctions work for me, but I'm not ruling out a store!

  4. LOL, well so far I have scored a pair of mens, Sketchers,black, lace up , walking shoes than I plan to flip soon.

    I am the worlds biggest procrastinator for sure.

    Guess I need to stop reading blogs so much and get some photos taken of what few things i have so far, do a write up and get them listed.

    It's just so much dagone fun to see all the amazing hauls everyone else finds.
